Fire Department Promotional Assessment Centers

Fire Department Promotional Assessment Centers

Steve Griffith Consulting (SGC) has over 20 years of experience in developing Assessment Centers for Fire Departments.  Assessment centers, designed and conducted to meet EEOC Standards, are the most valid manner in which to predict a candidate’s ability to display the knowledge, skills and abilities of an effective supervisor.

SGC starts the development of each and every assessment center by using a validated Job Description to determine the job duties of the tested position.  SGC works extensively with Fire Department Administrators to develop simulated exercises that are reflective of the duties of the tested position.  SGC works with Fire Department Administrators to make sure that the simulated exercises are set in scenarios that reflect the environment of the department.  SGC typically included a Tactical Exercise, utilizing NIMS requirements.  Candidates view simulated scenes of a working fire.  Candidates use all of the tools they would normally employ at a fire scene to manage the number of apparatus and personnel that would typically respond in the tested jurisdiction.

If you believe that your current form of selection does not measure the knowledge and skills necessary to be an effective supervisor in your department, contact SGC to discuss how an Assessment Center can greatly increase the quality of your supervisors.