
Steve Griffith Consulting
I have used Steve Griffith Consulting for fire department promotional processes for 10 years. I have worked for two different municipalities during this time, and his company is excellent at adjusting their processes to fit the needs of each city. Assessment Center done by Steve Griffith are genuinely an excellent tool for determining the skill levels of potential supervisors. I will continue to use their services for my City’s future needs and recommend them to other cities, as well.

Neil Howard
Fire Chief
City of Rowlett, Texas
Steve Griffith Consulting
The Richardson Police Department has used Steve Griffith Consulting to conduct our promotional assessments for over 15 years. We wouldn’t consider using anyone else. Steve Griffith Consulting provides a high quality assessment that is tailored to fit our needs by designing the assessment to cover contemporary topics we face in our agency; while at the same time ensuring fairness and objectivity to the candidate.

Jim Spivey
Chief of Police
City of Richardson, Texas
Steve Griffith Consulting
I have used Steve Griffith Consulting for our promotional process. I have found the Assessment Centers done by Steve Griffith to be an excellent tool for determining the skill levels of potential police supervisors. The attention to detail in all aspects of the selection process has reassured both City Council and the employees of the fairness of the process. I will continue to use them in all future promotional testing.

Paul R. Odin
Chief of Police
City of West Columbia, Texas
Steve Griffith Consulting
I have used Steve Griffith Consulting for several different promotional processes for over 16 years. I have found the Assessment Centers done by Steve Griffith to be an excellent tool for determining the skills levels of potential supervisors. The data, thoroughness and insight of the process have made a significant difference in the ease of the promotional process and the overall quality of the leadership professionals who we select.

Alan Bragg
Chief of Police
CyFair ISD Police Department
Steve Griffith Consulting
Since 1999, I have used Steve Griffith as my consultant to conduct Assessment Centers for both new police officer selection processes and for promotional processes for supervisory and senior leadership positions. Steve Griffith’s Assessment Centers provide validation of the assessment center for the position, an objective process that is performance based and useful information on the performance of the candidates in the process. I have found the Assessment Centers conducted by Steve Griffith to be an excellent tool in determining the skill levels of policy officer applicants and their compatibility with our policy agency.

Bill Taylor
Chief of Police
San Jacinto College
Pasadena, Texas